Check out this great recap video from NatureFest 2024.
An annual, family-friendly, hands-on event, spotlighting the plants and animals that live in Runnymede Park.
Learn about bees and butterflies, see live animals, make a craft, play nature-themed games and more.
Creating, collaborating and cultivating artistic and educational opportunities for artists, performers and our diverse audience—whilst advocating, supporting and growing the scope of the visual and performing arts in the Community.
Blue Ridge Wildlife Center is a unique and special place. The only wildlife teaching hospital in northern Virginia, the staff and volunteers of BRWC work to care for native wildlife by integrating veterinary medicine, rehabilitation, education, and research.
Defensores de la Cuenca (Watershed Defenders) is a Latino-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit that connects Latin@s and Spanish-speakers to nature through shared experiences and opportunities to preserve and defend the Chesapeake Bay watershed for a healthier mind, body, and soul. We are building a network of Latin@/e leaders who are taking action to support Madre Tierra, our Mother Earth.
Park Authority Wonder Wagon: The Wonder Wagon brings nature, stewardship and education directly to residents though engagement and guided activities.
Fight the Bite: The biologists of Fairfax County Health Department’s Disease Carrying Insect Program help protect the county from illnesses spread by ticks, mosquitoes and other pests. Learn more about how you can Fight the Bite and protect your family from Lyme, West Nile and other vector-borne diseases.
The Society engages in educational and preservation-oriented activities designed to ensure that the public remains interested in and aware of the history of the Herndon area.
The Human Beaver Coexistence Fund (HBCF) educates the public about the benefits of coexisting with beavers and provides resources and financial support to address human-beaver conflict using nonlethal management strategies.
iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you while generating data for science and conservation. Get connected with a community of millions scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature!
We promote soil and water conservation in Fairfax County and beyond. We are innovators. We promote hands-on conservation. We provide technical expertise. We develop young environmental leaders. We help you bring conservation home. We prevent pollution, reduce runoff and protect our streams and rivers.
At Northwest Federal, we strive to provide much more than great service. We’re dedicated to transforming the lives of our members and our communities. This strong dedication to serve and inspire others is achieved in part through our four paths of community outreach.
Secret Garden Birds and Bees is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization working with wildlife rehabilitators, falconers, naturalists, biologists and beekeepers to share our love of nature and wildlife with our communities.
The Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is responsible for the management of inland fisheries, wildlife, and recreational boating for Virginia. We are leading wildlife conservation and inspiring people to value the outdoors and their role in nature.
Organized in 1958, the Virginia Herpetological Society brings together people interested in advancing their knowledge of Virginia's reptiles and amphibians. The VHS encourages scientific study of Virginia herpetofauna and its conservation. Education continues to be an important society function.
On March 9 from 3-6PM all are invited to join the Friends of Runnymede Board of Directors for our annual meeting. To be held at ArtsHerndon. Light refreshments to be served. Agenda will include presenters from the Town of Herndon.